Drop the mic!

Doodle of a voice talent surrounded by noise

The outside Panic Room

December 30, 2024


Feels like the Universe is orchestrating the end of times and chose my street to put a symphony announcing the apocalypse!

What are the odds of having the house across the street undergoing structural work (with walls crumbling to the sound of hammers and drills), at the same time that municipal workers grind away at the sidewalk next door like they’re sculpting modern art from concrete, and, if that weren’t enough, parish employees mercilessly and loudly sawing weeds right out in the open, all at the same time?

Yes, my friends, this is my reality—an unrelenting set of noise pounding from every angle. And of course, today of all days, I’ve got three voice-overs to record.

My recording booth is soundproofed but with the world outside in uproar I can’t tell if faint echoes are sneaking through the booth or if I’m only hearing the outside noise still echoing in my head.

Luckily, the VU in my DAW shows me that the Panic Room is, in fact, only outside the booth.


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